Royal Enfield’s ‘Flying Flea’ Electric Motorcycle Salutes Vintage Military Style
Electromod excellence.

If you want to buy an electromod-style bike straight from the factory, Royal Enfield has you covered. The historied India-based motorcycle maker revealed the notably retro, all-electric Flying Flea. And much like the Harley-Davidson LiveWire, that’s the name of a new sub-brand, not just a model.

Unlike the LiveWire, though, the design ] is heavily informed by heritage. As BIKE EXIF points out, the original Royal Enfield Flying Flea was a feathery 125-cc moto that was compact enough to air-drop into Europe alongside paratroopers during WWII, hence the new parachute logo.

Royal Enfield enthusiasts will certainly see the new, electrified Flying Flea S6’s resemblance to the OG, especially in-profile. The original’s girder fork has been recreated from modern forged aluminum, the same material used to make the frame. The battery is enclosed in a magnesium case, and the silhouette line created by the faux gas tank and 1900s-style floating seat is among the most stunning and convincing homages to classic motorcycles that anyone has seen in some time.
Royal Enfield crafted the look as thoughtfully and carefully as they crafted the technology in-house. According to BIKE EXIF, 28 patents have been filed to cover the Flying Flea S6’s various components in the last six months alone. Other details haven’t been revealed, but if you register interest here, you’ll likely be the first to get the skinny on output, range, and all other relevant performance specs.