Uber Now Offering Submarine Trips to the Great Barrier Reef With ‘scUber’



Depending on how adventurous you are, you really don’t want to sleep on this. Courtesy rideshare giant Uber, there’s now an amazing underwater journey available Down Under that will let passengers get a unique look at the ocean rarely afforded the average tourist.

Naturally enough, Uber has dubbed this service—sadly only available for a limited time—scUber

Of course, “Down Under” means going to Queensland, Australia is part of the deal, and who would complain about that? No one, considering what you get. From Fox Business:

(…) From May 27 through June 18, would-be tourists can use the Uber app to book a trip to the giant coral reef.

For the equivalent of about $2,000 for two riders, Uber will dispatch drivers to pick up users, provide a helicopter ride to docking locations in either Heron Island or Port Douglas, give a one-hour tour of the Great Barrier Reef in a “scUber” submarine vessel and return users to their pick-up location. Uber said the underwater experience will only be available to a “limited number of riders.”

As it only just launched, there’s a reasonable chance you have time to take advantage of the opportunity. 

If you don’t live in Australia and are dying to get a look at the Great Barrier Reef before summer officially begins in the northern hemisphere, Uber wants to give you that chance with a special contest

Here’s what the lucky winner who can explain why they deserve this in 25 words or less will get:

Enter today and see what happens—though for the winners it will be hard to see how the rest of summer could top a June sub ride off the Queensland coast. 

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