Meet the Lamborghini of Commuter Bikes
If a Lambo birthed a bicycle, it would look like this 20-pound stunner.

Three years ago, designer Indrek Narusk reinvented the bicycle when he created Viks, a double-framed commuter bike without a conventional seat tube. Shortly after that, he had a vision to reinvent Viks with a more sharply lined version, which he and his Estonian crew have just launched as the Viks Gran Turismo.
Inspired by the dazzling geometry of Lamborghinis, the GT sports sharp corners for an even sleeker, more masculine look. And by using an aluminum alloy instead of stainless steel, they were able to shave 40 percent off its weight, down to just 20 pounds.

Unlike the infamous Italian supercars, these bikes weren’t built for speed. But they sure strike a sporty silhouette. But beyond that, their nontraditional body offers a nice stable ride for urban pedalers.

The price depends on what specifications you desire for your custom, handmade bicycle. They encourage you to visit a reseller or email them directly with orders and questions about how and when you can get your very own pedal-powered, powder-coated, Lambo-like bike shipped to your doorstep.

While you wait for it, you can research how to keep this wildly desirable bike from getting swiped. Since it’s not unstealable, we recommend investing in a solid bike lock, perhaps even one that emits a foul chemical deterrent when compromised.