This ‘Blatantly Racist’ T-Shirt Has Patriots Coach Bill Belichick in Some Hot Water

It was obviously too hot to wear a hoodie.

In spite of him dressing like an average suburban dad raking leaves in November, Bill Belichick‘s wardrobe sure has gotten a lot of attention over the years. The cut-off hoodie has become his trademark, but this week, the New England Patriots head coach is getting noticed for a different reason.

In a photo taken while he was on vacation in Nantucket, Belichick is wearing a shirt showing a turban-wearing man getting attacked by a dog, while a soldier with a rifle smiles behind him. The shirt reads, “Life is great.” 

The shirt is sold by Jim Amann, a former Navy SEAL and current L.A. police officer who runs the website Amann told the Boston Herald that the novelty tee “tells a cartoon story of a deployment in Afghanistan where SEAL operators are chasing bad guys.” 

Amann’s site says the shirt—which is sold out at the moment—can be worn to “celebrate the end of Osama Bin Laden.” A lot of people have apparently taken him up on that offer. Since sales are great, Amann said, and he’s planning to donate the money he makes to charity. 

For all the people enthusiastically snatching this up, there are plenty who don’t like what they see since the shirt appears to celebrate torture and generalizes Muslims as the enemy.

Below are choice comments from some of the people who are not pleased. 

Chances are good they weren’t Pats fans in the first place.

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