On Thursday night in Westwood, California, NBA great Bill Walton has doing what he does best these days—sitting on the sidelines of a college basketball game with a mic in front of his face and entertaining everyone who stayed up late for some West Coast hoops. If you’ve never listened to Walton call a game, it’s a unique experience that occasionally ventures into the surreal.
Or sometimes, the hilarious. Take last night, when the camera found Snoop Dogg in the crowd. Walton lit up with excitement and crammed as many weed references into a few seconds as he possibly could.
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Snoops’ affinity for the devil’s lettuce is well known. Walton’s is too. And like the Doggfather, he doesn’t hide it. Here he is in 2015 ranting in the middle of a game about the unjust war on drugs. And in 2014, he was even less subtle. During a February game in Colorado he mentioned the “good stuff” in The Centennial State. A month prior to this, recreational weed became legal. That’s no coincidence.