Bucs Fan May Have Missed $750,000 Payday By Returning Tom Brady’s 600th Touchdown Ball

Tony Romo’s joke about Tom Brady giving up wife Gisele Bundchen for the ball did not go over well with fans.

Tom Brady of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers
(Photo: Getty Images)

Love him or hate him, there’s no disputing at this point that Tom Brady is probably the greatest quarterback to ever play the game. Even sworn enemies have to give him some respect.

Fans, too. And one Bucs fan may have dropped nearly a million dollars worth of respect for Brady after he managed to get hold of the ball the QB threw for his record-setting 600th touchdown pass.

Brady became the first-ever quarterback to throw 600 TDs during the October 24th Sunday game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Chicago Bears. Wide receiver Mike Evans got the ball into the endzone, likely not knowing it was Brady’s record-setting throw and handed it off to a fan. Security caught the goof and rushed to request the fan give it up.

Two things happened: Announcer and former rival Tony Romo joked that maybe Brady could cut a deal and offer the fan his supermodel wife Gisele Bundchen for a day in exchange for the ball. About the same time, stadium security agreed to give fan Byron Kennedy a $1,000 gift card to the Bucs team store in exchange for the ball.

Gisele Bundchen (Photo: Getty Images)

Hey, if you’re into the Bucs and want to rep their gear, that’s a great deal, likely to buy at least one “Brady” jersey (NFL team schwag is not cheap) and a souvenir cup or something. However, the killjoys at Yahoo! Sports investigated the real worth of a football with that kind of historic value and it turns out Byron Kennedy may have missed out on a big payday by just going along for sports history’s sake.

Here’s more from Yahoo:

The ball could fetch “minimum $500,000” at auction, Ken Goldin, founder and executive chairman of Goldin Auctions, said. Chris Ivy of Heritage Auctions echoed that valuation. Ezra Levine, CEO of the sports memorabilia investment platform Collectible declared the ball worth “easily $500,000-plus” and probably “closer to $750,000.”

Yahoo wisely did not follow up with questions regarding the Gisele Bundchen joke.


Social media users took Romo to task for it, many—but not all—of them male.


As for fan Byron Kennedy, Brady did the standup thing and promised he’d give the guy “something nice” after the game was over. We don’t know what, but we know what he damn sure didn’t give him.

Obviously, we’re with those who found Romo’s comment tacky—at a minimum. We’re not even sure Brady deserves her, even if he is the undeniable GOAT.
