Curt Schilling Will Run for Senate in Massachusetts, After He Asks His Wife


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Former Major League pitcher and current right wing meme distributor Curt Schilling is planning a run for the United States Senate in Massachusetts. At least, if he wife says it’s OK.

“I’ve made my decision. I’m going to run,” he told the radio station WPRO on Tuesday. “But I haven’t talked to Shonda, my wife. And ultimately it’s going to come down to how her and I feel this would affect our marriage and our kids.”

Assuming Schilling gets the blessing of his family, he will attempt to take on sitting Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat beloved by her party. Schilling’s interest in taking on Warren has been known for some time, which has led pollsters to ask voters their preference.

Is it the former Red Sox hurler known for pitching an epic Game 6 of the ALCS in 2004 wearing a bloody sock or the woman known for her career as a consumer protection advocate. The results aren’t pretty for Schilling. A poll conducted in September had him trailing Warren by 19 points, in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans by a more than three to one margin.

And this is before any kind of campaigning, which would allow Warren to hit Schilling on some of the dumb things he’s said and done over the past few years. Things like: 

The time he tried to disprove evolution by using the nonsensical “why don’t apes still evolve into humans” argument.

The time he got suspended from ESPN for comparing Muslims to Nazi. 

The time he got fired by ESPN for some pretty hateful transphobic comments. 

The time he said he thinks his daughter’s friends are hot.

The time when he said it was everyone else at ESPN and not him who are the real racists.

And most relevant to Warren should she aim to convince Massholes that Schilling is unfit to represent him, the time he ran a video game company into the ground and stuck the people of Rhode Island with the $117 million bill.

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