Golden State Warriors Troll Josh Duhamel for Demanding Draymond Green Apologize to Fergie

Draymond Green Fergie
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Josh Duhamel, Fergie’s ex-husband, thought Draymond Green should apologize for snickering during Black Eyed Pea’s meme-ified butchering of “The Star Spangled Banner.”

Green and the Golden State Warriors pretty much did the exact opposite of that by throwing a post-game party set to DJ Suede’s remix of the terrible national anthem rendition following their 128-100 win over the Knicks on Friday. 

A quick recap: Fergie’s aforementioned performance before the most recent NBA All-Star Game went viral for all the wrong reasons back in February. Watch it below if you must: 

Note that Green fails to keep a straight face while he’s on camera. 

Cut to Duhamel’s Thursday interview with Fair Game host Kristine Leahy. 

“The thing that made me upset was that she was taking a lot of really cruel comments, people were really trolling,” Duhamel said before calling Green a “prick” and questioning his manhood. 

“I was pissed off at Draymond Green, first of all. I think he owed her an apology. I thought he was kind of a prick. Just because he knew the camera was on him, and he snickered about.”

“I just thought that, if he would have been a real man, he would have at least called her and said, ‘Listen, I’m sorry that I caused all this,'” he added. “That’s what a real man would have done, in my opinion.”

But when Duhamel saw the Warriors’ epic response to his comments, even he had to admit that it was fantastic. 

“Note to self: Think twice before you call out the champs,” Duhamel tweeted. “Well played.” 


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