Golfers Keep On Playing While Massive Volcano Erupts Behind Them

Play through or die trying.

A little game of golf.

Golf is a game pretty much anyone can play, which is why some people are basically addicted to it. So much so they’ll hit the green even as the damn apocalypse is unfolding nearby. 

Hawaii’s Mt. Kilauea is in the middle of one of its largest eruptions in years. Lava flows have destroyed entire neighborhoods. Recently it’s been blowing massive clouds of ash and venting poisonous gas. But yeah, golf is golf.

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The absurdity of the visual here makes it easy to joke, but Kilauea is no joke. As CBS reports, the giant volcano is spitting fire, turning the sky red, and the gas coming from the caldera is even more serious:

Some of the vents formed by the Kilauea volcano are now releasing extremely high levels of sulfur dioxide, which is very toxic and potentially life threatening.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) issued a “red warning” for pilots to stay away from flying in the region — something that has been urged since the beginning of volcanic activity.

Social media users are freaking out over footage from the Big Island. Who wouldn’t? Especially when some images are a completely different kind of freaky from those depicting the nonchalant golfers.

Questions about related disasters have come up, and they are absolutely spine-chilling. 

Like, could a portion of the volcano collapse and cause an epic tsunami that spans the entire West Coast?

That anyone even needed such reassurance is somehow not that reassuring. 

At the moment, however, news regarding Kilauea’s status isn’t good, but it’s no 2012-like disaster. Hawaiians need to stay in, especially if they have respiratory issues, and wear masks if they go outside. 

Just another day in paradise.

h/t Brobible
