Watch Rob Gronkowski Sing Bon Jovi’s ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ For Bizarre ‘Madden NFL 17’ Video

Gronk channeling vintage Jon Bon Jovi is truly something to behold.

New England Patriots tight end and all-around wild man Rob Gronkowski uses a bad wig and some serious ‘tude for his performance of “Catchin’ With Flair,” a truly surreal spoof of Bon Jovi’s classic 1986 tune “Livin’ on a Prayer”.

The hair metal-inspired clip was made for a Madden NFL 17 commercial that hit YouTube on Thursday. 

“I was just trying to copy Bon Jovi and give it my all,” Gronkowski told EW. “I watched that video of ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ a few times to try and see what he was doing in it so I could replicate it.”

Nice work, Gronk. Watch the ridiculous video above to see him rhyme “player” with “prayer”, among other feats. 

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