Watch This Pool Shark Make The Most Insane Trick Shots You’ve Ever Seen

Image: YouTube/Venom Trickshots

Image: YouTube/Venom Trickshots

You might be a badass pool shark at your billiards hall or bar, but we guarantee you don’t have shit on Florian “Venom” Kohler. 

In this crazy YouTube clip posted by Dude Perfect, the Vegas-based “Venom” shows off pool skills that make Tom Cruise from The Color of Money look like a goddamn amateur. Just watch the mind-boggling trick video above to see what I mean. 

It just might be even more impressive than Dude Perfect’s first trick shot video, which has racked up a staggering 46 million views. Watch that one here:

But let’s get back to the latest clip.

For one of his many incredible trick shots, he hit three eight balls with three different cues into the same pocket. 


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Not impressed yet? Kohler also pulled off an even crazier stunt in which he perfectly times it so that the cue ball jumps from one table through a moving hoop and into three-ball cluster on a second table that spreads into three separate pockets. 


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What in the actual FUCK?

He’s so sure of his precision, he even hit five consecutive clay pigeons placed dangerously close to the Dude Perfect team’s little dudes. 


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But a man with Kohler’s ridiculous level of talent doesn’t spend all of his time hanging out with a bunch of bros. 

“Venom” has enlisted the help of some gorgeous babes in his past videos to help him put his balls right where they belong. Check out videos of his “sexy” trick shots below: 


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If you ever see “Venom” at your local pool hall or bar, do yourself a favor and don’t let him con you into a money game. This dude is an absolute beast. 

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