Joe Theismann Says Native Americans ‘Seem to be OK’ With Redskins Name, No Need to Change It
Based on some responses on Twitter, he’s wrong.

The Washington Redskins shouldn’t worry about changing their controversial name, former quarterback Joe Theismann told TMZ Sports this week, because he’s talked to a lot of Native Americans over the years and “they seem to be ok with the name, the Redskins.”
He added: “We try to honor them everyday and do the best to represent the nations that are out there.”
Theismann was asked the question because, prior to the MLB season, the Cleveland Indians made a move away from their own racist logo, Chief Wahoo. In January, the team said the grinning caricature will come off of its uniforms ahead of next season.
There aren’t any rumblings about the Redksins following suit, but it’s an issue that team is unlikely to avoid. Especially because, despite Theismann’s claim, there are plenty of Native Groups that want to see the name changed.
Last December, the Rising Hearts Coalition, a Native activist group, held a rally outside of outside the FedEx field where they unveiled their proposal for a new name and logo for the team.
But people like Theismann continue to point to their anecdotal evidence to suggest that Native Americans don’t mind the name. A poll, whose veracity has been challenged, in 2016 even showed that 90 percent of Native Americans don’t mind the name.
On Twitter though, there were plenty of Native people eager to show Theismann that he’s wrong.
Who elected you as a rep for Native people, @Theismann7 ?? We are #Notyourmascot The Rskins name is a dictionary defined racial slur and was used in ads as a bounty on native bodies. It is not "cool" it's disingenuous and dehumanizing. #Changethename
— Martie Simmons (@msimmons444) July 24, 2018
Why don't you come to native communities and call them redsk*ns and see how much your "honoring" the people. See how cool they are calling their children "cute little redsk*ns". I invite you @Theismann7 to talk to real natives. #notyourmascot
— Dwayne Chamberlain (@dtchamberlain) July 25, 2018
Dear Joe theismann
Fuck you, you're wrong and you've been irrelevant for the last 20 years. Don’t speak on the behalf of us.
Sincerely, a native American that hated the redskins— Brek (@_brekladucer) July 24, 2018