John Daly Hanging Out in the Hooters Parking Lot Is the Real Highlight of the Masters

Hooters Girls and John Daly
BemLoira BemDevassa

BemLoira BemDevassa

Hooters Girls; John Daly

Mark Twain called golf “a good walk spoiled,” but he never went to the Masters, and he never hung out at John Daly‘s RV with Hooters Girls everywhere.

Daly, the long drive hero and the closest thing golf has to a WWE-style star, isn’t necessarily in Augusta, Georgia, for time on the greens. He’s there to hustle merchandise and autographs, chain smoke and just chill with the scantily clad servers.

Several papers have photographers and journalists on the Daly beat, taking pics and generally enjoying what has become a kind of traditional alternative to standing silent and sunburned out on the legendary golf course. 

Let’s be real here, though—fans love Daly, sure, but don’t ignore the gravitational force of Hooters girls orbiting the golf star’s RV. Even though the Florida Times-Union reports there’s no reason to get your hopes up, writing “the waitresses probably should save some guys a lot of time by wearing halter tops that not only say “Hooters” but in smaller print, underneath, say, ‘you have no shot.'” 

That seems cool by Daly, because the dude seems like a zen master of having fun. Hopefully he’ll also give a mini-concert this year as he did at last year’s masters—see above.

Daly does apparently keep strict hours while there, from mid-morning till the party’s over, basically. We’re not sure when that is.

It really does look like getting your pic made with John Daly might be the best part of the whole deal, but don’t tell anyone competing in the tournament. See some evidence below.

h/t Uproxx

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