Klay Thompson Denies Dating Instababe Abigail Ratchford, Says He Wants a ‘Wholesome Girl’

Abigail Ratchford Klay Thompson
Left: Instagram/@abigailratchford

Left: Instagram/@abigailratchford

Klay Thompson has made it clear that he and Instagram bombshell Abigail Ratchford aren’t together. 

Let’s start with a little background. Earlier this year, the bodacious beauty shared photos of the Golden State Warrior’s English Bulldog and bedroom on Snapchat.  


She captioned one photo, “That was the best I’ve slept in a year.”  

The Mercury News reports that sports radio DJ Damon Bruce attempted to get to the bottom of Thompson’s rumored relationship with Abigail. 

To set up Thompson’s thought on the topic: Bruce inquired about Rocco  

“He’s great. Living the life,” Thompson said. “About to take him to the park later — get some sun, have some fun.  

Bruce then asked the million dollar question. “Any pin-up models we should know about?” 

“With Rocco?” Thompson quipped. “Oh, no no no no no. (I’m) just being good.” 

“Yeah, I’m trying to find a wholesome lady out there. That’d be nice.”  

The use of the word “wholesome” is interesting, considering the basketball star was caught cheating by ex-girlfriend Hannah Stocking two years ago. 

The good news is that Abigail is still on the market as far as we know—not that any average Joe has a chance in hell of dating her. But hey, dare to dream! 

h/t: Total Pro Sports 

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