Meet ‘L.A. Beast’, The Crazy Competitive Eater Who Just Set World Record for Fastest Maple Syrup Chug

"You gotta take a deep breath, open up your throat and just let the syrup glide on down."

Say hello to Kevin Strahle, a competitive eater and world record addict who calls himself the L.A. Beast. 

The 33-year-old New Jersey-native is back in this news this week after downing a bottle of maple syrup in less than 11 seconds and obliterating a world record in the process. Seriously, he destroyed this record, which Bro Bible notes was an unimpressive 26 seconds before the L.A. Beast got his hands dirty.

“You gotta take a deep breath in, open up your throat and just let the syrup glide on down,” he says in the video above from Guinness World Records.

Strahle is no stranger to the record books, or to internet fame. His YouTube channel has nearly 1.8 million subscribers thanks to absurd videos like this one of him covering his balls with Icy Hot and not allowing himself to wash it off until he eats an entire pineapple, skin and all. 

Strahle’s most impressive moments have come when he’s committed himself to getting his name into the record books. It’s happened a handful of times, but never with more difficulty than when he ate 121.90 grams of ghost peppers in two minutes. 

Another one of his records, which looks considerably more fun to accomplish, is eating the most powdered donuts in three minutes. As you’ll see, this one was tricky. 

Strahle is also the proud owner of the world record for most chicken nuggets eaten in three minutes. 

In case you lost count, that’s four world records for Strahle. And the Beast says he’s not done yet. 

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