Obnoxious Basketball Dad Lavar Ball Doubles Down on Being a Jackass, Tells Female Reporter ‘Stay in Your Lane’
“I don’t look over there because she scares me.”
If you haven’t heard of Lavar Ball, you’re missing all the fun. In persona, at least, he’s kind of the Joe Jackson of basketball star dads, a man as good at running his mouth as his son is at pushing the ball down court.
Ball has puffed his chest in LeBron James’s direction, blamed a major loss by his son Lonzo Ball’s college team on slow-ass white guys, and defended his son’s sneaker line as only being for big ballers who can afford the insane $495 price tag. And that was just Tuesday. No, kidding. But Ball is back jamming his foot in his mouth again, and once again it’s sneaker-related.
In a radio interview on The Herd with Colin Cowherd, reporter Kristine Leahy asked Ball how many of his son’s Big Baller Brand shoes had been sold. Ball was immediately dismissive in probably the most insulting way. “Stay in your lane,” he said. Then to Cowherd, Ball said, “I don’t even worry about her over there.”
“I don’t look over there because she scares me,” he continued weirdly, “Leave me alone. I’ll tell you, 400, 500 pairs.”
Asked about his problem with Leahy, Ball said, “My problem with you is that you are a hater.”
He continued on in that vein, further dismissing an argument from Leahy that the Big Baller brand might see more success if it was opened up to women. “Uh, yeah, if you have a women’s company. But we talking about Big Baller brand.”
He hated on others as well and generally maintained his gold-plated public image as a guy pretty much no one wants to relate to. Listen to the entire interview below. If you can stand it.
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