Fox’s Laura Ingraham Thinks LeBron James Should ‘Shut Up and Dribble’ Instead of Talking Politics

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In a recent interview for his site Uninterrupted, LeBron James leveled some serious criticism against President Trump

“The No. 1 job in America, the appointed person, is someone who doesn’t understand the people — and really don’t give a shit about the people,” he said about Trump. Kevin Durant, who was taking part in the Uber interview with Cari Champion, added his own critique, saying, “our team, as a country, is not run by a great coach.” 

Fox News host Laura Ingraham, a right-wing radio host and longtime Trump booster, was having none of it. On her show Thursday night she lit into LeBron, criticizing his grammar and his lack of a high school diploma. She also offered this advice: 

“Oh, and LeBron and Kevin: You’re great players, but no one voted for you. Millions elected Trump to be their coach. So keep the political commentary to yourself or, as someone once said, shut up and dribble.”

You can tell by the smug self-satisfaction dripping off of her horns that Ingraham is very happy with herself. Perhaps she thinks she dunked on LeBron and now she will get to hang out with the cool kids. She was mistaken. 

Among those who rode to LeBron’s defense Friday were his best bud and former teammate Dwyane Wade, who suggested that Ingraham wasn’t even trying to hide her racism. 

And then there was Super Bowl champ Chris Long, who took some time on Twitter to point out the hypocrisy of Ingraham’s suggestion that LeBron stick to sports and leave the political commentary to the professionals.

And with that, Ingraham learn a lesson many before her already have: You come at the king, you best not miss. 

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