Fergie’s All-Star Game National Anthem Was So Bad, NBA Players Couldn’t Stop Laughing

Some are calling it the "worst rendition ever."

You’ve got to give Fergie credit for boldness. And then take all of it away for badness. 

At Sunday night’s NBA All-Star Game, the Black Eyed Peas singer tried to put a new spin on a 204-year-old song. And she failed. 

From the opening, jazzy notes of Fergie’s rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner,” it was clear she was up to something. Perhaps a nod to Marvin Gaye’s 1983 NBA All-Star Game anthem, which revolutionized the Anthem game. 

But it quickly became clear that Fergie was going for more a sultry, sexy, Marilyn Monroe serenading JFK-type of anthem. As the reactions of people in the building quickly made clear, it didn’t work. 

At halftime, the NBA on TNT crew weighed in, with Charles Barkely coming down firmly on the side of, “No.” Shaq defended Fergie for mixing it up, and it sounds like someone’s trying to move in for the kill

The worst review of all though came from a woman who has herself delivered a ridiculous and exhaustively ridiculed national anthem: Roseanne Barr. Her take? That her version was better than Fergie’s. Hard to disagree

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