WWE Hall-of-Famer Sting Finds New Work as The Cowboys’ ‘Intimidation Coach’

Sting Cowboys
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Since the end of his career with the WWE, it looks as though the wrestling legend known as Sting has been in need of something to do. Luckily, the Dallas Cowboys provided. 

In this video, Sting displays his talents as the NFL team’s new “Intimidation Coach.” His background as one of the WWE‘s most long-lived talents probably provided more than enough practice for such a job.

How does Sting do intimidation in a corporate environment? He carries his bat around, even objecting to security checking it daily, monitors others’ eating habits, and bitches about being able to prep his coffee properly… all while being the Sting you wouldn’t want to have serenade you with “Fields of Gold.” 

What Sting really shows here is it’d be a lot of fun to see a weekly half-hour sitcom in which he does this exact thing, with the occasional suplex into a boardroom table thrown in. 

h/t Rolling Stone

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