Watch Charlie Sheen Salute the Cleveland Indians By Becoming Ricky ‘Wild Thing’ Vaughn Again

Charlie Sheen screen grab Major League

The campaign to let Charlie Sheen throw out the first pitch of the World Series in character as Ricky “Wild Thing” Vaughn from the movie Major League failed. That, of course, didn’t stop the indefatigable purveyor of Tiger Blood. 

So around the beginning of Game 2 on Wednesday, Sheen posted the video above on his Twitter account, cleverly melding a pivotal scene in the movie with his own entry into the scene once again wearing Cleveland Indians gear and Vaughn’s trademark nerd glasses. 

Unfortunately, it looks like Sheen’s nod didn’t help the Tribe; the Indians lost the game to pitcher Jake Arrieta’s mighty arm and the Chicago Cubs’ newly-wakened offense, 5-1.

h/t BroBible

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