Acne Makes the Perfect Motorcycle Jacket (for Non-Bikers)

For when your hog is actually more of a truffle pig.

Some products, like Ray-Ban Wayfarers or Porsche 911s, are immutably cool. Third on the list of icons of functional style? The black motorcycle jacket, whose heavy leather sections offer superior protection against road-rash as well as a shot of punk-rock urbanity. Acne’s version is true to the original and the spirit of the thing, with a stand-up collar (for wind and going incognito), long zippered pockets and adjustable side tabs. The leather is softer than standard and looks better as it wears. The quilted shoulders add texture without flash. Zippered sleeve vents mean that when the weather warms, you can still rock your black leather jacket. It’s the Hell’s Angels uniform as re-imagined by Acne’s Swedish minimalists. Doesn’t sound like it would work. Does. [$1600;]

Photos by Acne

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