You know that saying: “The suit maketh the man.” And while we know there’s more to you than a heap of buttonholes, lapels, and cufflinks, it’s also indisputable that there are plenty of shallow people our there who judge you by what you wear. When you encounter said people, the best way to shut them up by wearing one of Don Draper’s suits.
No, we’re not saying wear a suit like the Mad Men characters, we’re saying actually wear one of their suits. Thanks to ScreenBid, tomorrow you’ll be able to bid on a few items for Draper’s wardrobe, including a handful of suits with starting bids at $150. Sure they’re pre-worn, but we’re talking about the ad guy everyone wanted to be here. You can deal with a slightly damaged arm or a little ring around the collar.
But maybe Don isn’t your guy, or suits aren’t your thing. No worries; the selection comes rounded out with other MM memorabilia like a blazer and trouser pairing from Roger Sterling, and a solid, work appropriate sport coat from Pete Campbell. There’s even one of Don’s denim jackets up for the taking.
So, no. Clothes don’t make the man. But if they did, Don’s wouldn’t be the worst wardrobe to borrow from. Just in case.
Photos by Frank Ockenfels/AMC