Watch YouTube Star Casey Neistat Fly Emirates First Class Suite, The ‘All Time Greatest Airplane Seat’

Emirates First Class Suite Promo
Photo: Emirates

Photo: Emirates

Flying First Class just got an extreme upgrade.

YouTube star Casey Neistat traveled like royalty aboard Emirates’ brand new Boeing 777 jet airliner in their totally baller first class suite inspired by Mercedes-Benz. 

“This feels more like a small but extremely elegant hotel room than it does an airplane seat,” says Neistat in the clip. 

Photo: Emirates

Considering it has a spacious closet, locker, leg room for four and a plush seat that transforms into a twin bed, he’s definitely not wrong. 

Among the most luxurious amenities is the dual-screen entertainment system. While you watch your favorite movies or TV shows on a 32-inch monitor, you can call the flight attendants via video chat on a separate touchscreen. 

Still: YouTube/CaseyNeistat

Prices vary depending on your departure point and destination, but expect to cough up upwards of $5,500 (for a one-way trip to Dubai to Brussels) if you fly in what Neistat calls the “all-time greatest airplane seat.” 

Still: YouTube/CaseyNeistat
Still: YouTube/CaseyNeistat
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