We spend a lot of time in the bathroom. In fact, Dollar Shave Club did a little research that just taking a dump, we’re spending about eight minutes in there — Candy Crush is a little addictive. But when you couple those eight with time spent getting ready in the morning and before heading to bed, it’s a lot of time.
Well color us surprised that there’s a holiday dedicated to some of that time. Today is National Grooming Day where we celebrate all the shaving, moisturizing and cleansing there is to be done. In honor of it, we’ve lined out the five most basic grooming products under $20 to drop in your dopp kit.
Dollar Shave Club‘s The 4x Razor $4 at www.dollarshaveclub.com.
Baxter of California‘s Super Close Shave Formula, $18 at www.baxterofcalifornia.com.
C. O. Bigelow‘s Mentha Vitamin Body Wash, $12 at www.nordstrom.com
Blind Barber‘s Watermint Gin Facial Cleanser, $18 at www.blindbarber.com
Bee Bald‘s Smooth Plus Head and Face Moisturizer with SPF 30, $8.99 at www.beebald.com