Floyd Mayweather is annoyed, and he’s very, very rich. In a new Instagram video, the boxer is in full-on flex mode, using his extraordinary watch collection and some fat stacks of cash to emphasize the fact he has more money than the haters, therefore he wins.
It isn’t clear what’s pissing him off, but he proves something here to anyone who cares.
On New Year’s Eve Mayweather reaped a cool $9 million from what looked like a joke fight against Japanese kickboxer Tenshin Nasukawa. The undefeated, supposedly retired welterweight barely broke a sweat. It may even be skeptical reactions to that match that angered him.
In the video Mayweather says, “People are always in my fucking business, worried about what I’m doing.” He goes on to say he’s going to stay in his lane as long as others stay in theirs, and displays two cases filled with gleaming and obviously expensive timepieces.
“When I go on pay-cation for 30 days, I take 30 watches with me,” he says. Then he opens a third case. “But, you know what? If we add 10 more days, I take 10 more watches.”
He could stop there, already having effectively flexed on plenty of fellow millionaires. He’s not done, though. Mayweather picks up a single watch and displays it for the camera. “But then I say, ‘Fuck it.’ If I wanna bring out the one and only, then I’ll take out the watch that costs $18 million.”
That cherry on top of his money cake is “The Billionaire Watch,” worth $18 million due mostly to its 239 emerald-cut, 3-carat baguette diamonds.
The way Floyd Mayweather enjoys his money is already legendary, and over-the-top watches are some of his favorite things.
The lesson here for critics, haters—whoever—is that even with all those stunning watches, Floyd Mayweather still doesn’t have time for you.