These $315 Jean Panties Are Driving The Internet Crazy
Whether you call them “janties” or “junderwear,” people are just not having it.

The latest unfortunate trend in the colorful and confusing world of women’s fashion are jean panties, also affectionately known as “Janties” or, alternatively, “Junderwear.”

The interesting take on traditional undergarments was first seen on the decorated runway of Paris Fashion Week for the brand Y/Project, which saw the janties paired with a strapless cowskin rug-inspired top and a white karate belt.

Now, online retailer SSENSE is selling the monstrosity that’s reminiscent of a denim diaper for a pricey $315, because fashion.

If you or someone you know absolutely must own one of these small patches of denim, you could instead just purchase a pair of cheap $20 jeans from a Goodwill or Walmart near you and cut the legs off…and then throw it all into the trash where it belongs.

The above tweet poses a good question. Perhaps they could be worn in an empty and dark room where no one would see you, or for Halloween if the costume in question is “confused person with bad style.”
To what occasion can you actually wear denim panties???
— lil power move (@DopeLifeOfTot) March 26, 2019
The Twitterverse is also deeply unsettled by janties:
[arriving in hell]
me: i didn't know i'd have to wear what i died in forever
satan: where did you even find denim underwear
— shen the bird (@Shen_the_Bird) March 30, 2019
This looks like a sewing project gone wrong. You keep cutting a straight line, then even it out more and more. Then you get this disaster
— A r L e N e (@princessarlene) March 27, 2019
What in the actual hell is denim underwear and why is this an actual thing and why are people buying it!?
— Kirti Says (@Pari602) March 30, 2019
I don’t care what the internet says, nobody’s gonna be wearing jean fucking panties.
— Ronen (@BadRonen) April 5, 2019
finally got my hands on a pack of those $315 jean panties
— (@HugeFrigginArms) April 4, 2019
Here’s hoping this trend doesn’t last long.