Is your latest sartorial conundrum an unsightly bulge in your suit? No dude, we’re not talking about that one, eyes up here. If you’ve been fretting over your bulging chest pocket and lack of pocket square, worry no more; Jimmy Fallon has you covered.
Last night on The Tonight Show, the comedian announced that he teamed up with his friends at J. Crew to bring us something he calls the Pocket Dial. One part pocket square and one part iPhone case, the piece combines the classic dapper style of suiting with the modernity of cellphones. It is here that the future lies.
When your best friend approaches you raising an eyebrow about the fact that you’re walking around with half a pocket square at your ear mid phone call, you sit pretty knowing that the $48 you spent on the limited edition piece all went to a good cause in the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, a Kenya-based charity that protects Africa’s elephants from ivory poaching and extinction.
P.S. This is not a joke, nor is it a drill. Fallon is a pretty serious fashion entrepreneur.