Outfitted: Kenny Santucci


He may have first gained recognition on MTV’s drama filled Real World/Road Rules Challenge franchise, but Kenny Santucci has put reality TV behind him. “Let’s just say that now I enjoy living alone,” he told Maxim of his time on the series. “The show has also taught me a lot about pushing myself beyond what ever I thought I could. When money is on the line, you will fight hard!” 

Since transitioning out of the limelight as a well-recognized media personality, Kenny has utilized his on-screen time as a driving force behind his blossoming career as a trainer in the fitness world, something he’s been extremely passionate about since his early youth. “I was very heavy as a kid and fitness became a healthy habit for me and since then the world of fitness has always been my passion,” he told Maxim. “It’s ever evolving and a very big part of my life. I’m empathic towards people who do not feel comfortable in their own skin because I’ve been there myself. I wrestle with my weight and bad habits just like anyone else.”

(Photo: Lisa Haefner)

After climbing throughout the fitness world as a trainer, group fitness instructor, and gym owner, Kenny came to the conclusion that he was best suited at a place nobody had to force him to go – and that was SOLACE New York. After developing the Body by SOLACE class, blending elements of HIIT, CrossFit, and other aspects of strength training, he’s dedicated his life to helping others with the goal of getting fit, while upping the ante on a typical workout that you may not experience otherwise. While most fitness aficionados may daydream of owning their own gym headquarters, Kenny is content right where he is. 

“I would much rather play to my strengths,” he told Maxim. “I don’t consider myself successful unless I can teach others how to be successful in the same field. I want to teach other people how to make others smile, as well as build themselves a successful life. Whatever that may mean to them.”

Kenny spoke with Maxim with tips to win over a woman’s heart, workouts to do wherever you are, and the go-to item every guy should own.

What do you consider something that should be highlighted when working out?
A bigger upper body and legs will always make you more aesthetically pleasing. A V taper. But full body training is always more important. And not forgetting to train with a balanced approach. As much as you work on the larger muscle groups, recognize the importance of strengthening the stabilizing and supporting muscles. Add accessory work (like a theraband warm-up) to your workout–remember you want to be that fit hotter dude, not incapacitated by age!

What’s your favorite item of clothing that you’re always wearing?
There’s nothing like a great sweat pants. I teach in them and I pretty much live in them. The Reebok classic sweats are my favorite.

What’s one thing a guy should never do when he’s out with a woman?
Get wasted! Guy or girl. It’s just so immature and stupid. Have some class. I’d rather have someone fart then get wasted.

Where’s a go-to spot that can never go wrong for a first date?
Maialino in New York’s Gramercy Park Hotel. A great restaurant with good food, wine, and atmosphere.

(Photo: Lisa Haefner)

What is one item you believe every guy must own in his wardrobe?
A great suit. A black suit that fits well is so important to making any man look about 2 to 3 points better.

What are your tips/tricks when trying to win over a woman’s affection?
Women are a lot smarter than we are. Just be real. Women love when you’re brutally honest.

What’re a few quick workouts that you can do wherever you are, with no excuses?
1. I bring a jump rope with me everywhere, and one of my favorite workouts to hit is a Double-Under Tabata: Double unders as many reps as possible within a 20 second period with a 10 second rest. Repeat 8 times.
2. Cindy (20 Minute AMRAP – as many rounds as possible of: : 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats. My current personal record is 28).
3. Death by burpees. (Starting at 10 burpees every minute on the minute, and add 1 burpee every minute until you can no longer complete all the reps under 60 seconds.)
4. Handstand practice. Love working on them. A little bit every day. 
5. 40 meter sprints. 5 warm up rounds, then 12 sprints all out, as fast as possible. 90 seconds rest in between each.

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