When it comes to purchasing a quality bag, some of us are simply hellbent for leather. The right kind of tanned cow hide is not only a handsome upgrade from waxed canvas or rugged twill, but it always seems to look better with age.
Go Forth Goods, a relatively new online shop based in Marietta, Georgia, makes a fine leather duffel that’s built to last. The sturdy handmade bag is constructed of oiled kodiak leather, 10-oz. vegetable-tanned straps, solid copper rivets and a heavy duty zipper, all for a reasonable $395.
Go Forth Goods was only established in 2014, but it hews to a doggedly old-school aesthetic that utilizes 19th-century techniques to hammer out bags and leather goods that “stand the test of time and only get better with age.”
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Beyond that aforementioned duffel, here’s a handful of other Go Forth Goods items that might also be worth your while.