Pizza Hut Just Released An Apparel Line and We Need To Talk
The short of it: Stay in your lane, guys.

Just yesterday we were singing the praises of Vans for launching their foodie focused “Late Night Pack,” so one might think when we heard about Pizza Hut’s Hut Swag apparel line, we’d be like kids in a candy store. Incorrect.
First things first, though: credit where it’s due. The 15-piece line-up isn’t completely trash. The five-panel all-0ver pizza print hat is definitely a high point, as is the longboard. But the rest? Repeat after me: Stay in your lane.
While we appreciate the effort, designs like the ‘Pizza is Bae’ screen print are not only late to the pop culture party but look as simple as those shirts the sorority girls used to make back in college. Sure, the Dreaming of Pizza pillow seems cool, but when someone realizes you’re not on a dorm room-sized extra-tall twin bed and that you paid for the logo’d merchandise as opposed to getting it for free, they’ll undoubtedly laugh their way out of your room.
So Pizza Hut, while we appreciate the effort, how about stick to making pies. Check out a few pieces from the line in the slideshow below.