In the age of smart accessories and obsessive self-monitoring, American watch manufacturer Brathwait – named after Richard Brathwait, author of the 1631 page-turner “The English Gentleman” – is opting out of the rat race altogether. With its slim profile, rose gold plating and clean white dial, Brathwait’s most iconic creation yet, the Classic Slim, is a watch that simply excels at being a watch – durable, masculine and visually striking in its simplicity. And while it may not monitor caloric expenditure or blitz you with email alerts every time you slip into the bathroom for a little “me time,” at $185, this devilishly handsome chronograph puts comparably priced timepieces to shame. In fact, the company’s website lists the price of each of the Classic Slim’s components (sapphire glass, $4-$15; stainless steel case, $9.70) so customers can compare the watch’s production cost to the amount Brathwait is charging. It’s a bold approach to doing business – known as “transparent marketing” – but one that Brathwait cleverly leverages to point out that its competitors typically charge around $500 for timepieces that cost about $75 to make. Hear that? It’s the sound of your cheap Uncle Harry’s dreams coming true!
This Watch Won’t Tell You What To Do
Brathwait's Classic Slim watch is the strong, silent type.