Last year, I fell into a Netflix black hole you may be familiar with: The West Wing. In the pilot, White House Deputy Director Sam Seaborn found himself in the compromising situation of having unknowingly slept with a prostitute. (Don’t ask how, just watch it.) Seaborne was played by a then-35-year-old Rob Lowe—now, almost 20 years after filming, the press shots from his new grooming company, Profile, make it clear that his looks really haven’t changed.
That makes the five-piece Profile lineup worthy of at least a trial run. Six years in the making, the independent grooming company isn’t your typical celebrity-hocked line. Lowe built the company from the ground up—financing, picking the labs, and product testing—with some consultation from his wife Sheryl Berkoff, a makeup artist. It’s a labor of love, and with a mission of being no hassle and toxic-free, it’s a pretty good one at that. And again, look at Rob Lowe’s face. Here’s what we thought of the products:
ACTION Rehydration Cleanser
Gentle on the face, this aloe vera leaf juice laced cleanser was first up in our trial run. It’s pretty simple to apply, and has traces of a signature scent. It might be hinting at what Lowe’s fragrance, which drops in December, might smell like.
PRO-COMFORT Triple Action Shave Gel
A moisturizing shave gel is generally a pretty good idea. This replenishing goop with Iris Moss and oat extract is the key to a close shave that won’t leave you dry.
RECHARGE Age Combating Serum
While we aren’t typically daily serum users, this one works pretty well. Though all of the products in the line are technically meant to fight the effects of aging (that may sound vain, but collagen loss starts at 20) this one is going to be your hero.
LIFT Anti-Gravity Moisturizer
This quick absorbing moisturizer (which is sadly SPF-free) doesn’t leave any residue. A quick swipe of it to seal in all the moisture and you’ll be feeling the smooth results about 15 minutes later.
REVIVE Under Eye Rescue
Not gonna lie, we’ve never gone out purposely seeking eye cream, but this chapstick sized tube does the job. That said, a sleepless night spent binge-watching Sense8 pretty much erased its work instantly.
We’ll be honest: After a day of use, these products didn’t have us looking like the incredibly well-preserved Rob Lowe. For that, one needs about three days of working with Hollywood’s most talented makeup artists. But it’s the perfect remedy for too many Red Bulls and not enough sleep.