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The cocktail king whips up a summer concoction called the Luca Manofreddo and we happily down every sip.
The MMA star wants to knock you on your ass. With a cocktail!
Cheech and Chong want to share their special "smoothie herbs" with you.
Cheech and Chong rocked up to our office to make us cocktails. How could we possibly refuse?
Try this peachy, basil-y twist on the classic mint julep. Or, y'know, don't. It's a free country, y'all.
Get ready for the Kentucky Derby with this ice-cooled classic.
What better way to follow a cocktail than with a back-breaking Camel Clutch?
At least, it does after drinking the Whitest Kids U Know star's "Suicide" cocktail.
Roxy Pro Surfer Monica Byrne-Wickey makes us feel better with a medicinal cocktail.
Or at least, the guys trying to save them – Biggs and Saw from Battleground: Rhino Wars!