Emma Stone

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August 18, 2017
Find out what you never knew about the movie that gave us Jonah Hill, Emma Stone...and McLovin.
December 4, 2016
Also, a Bigfoot-style hunt through the woods for Hillary Clinton.
Emma Stone Is Now Single
November 20, 2016
The last live show before Thanksgiving was hosted by Kristen Wiig.
emma stone jonah hill.jpg
March 24, 2016
Cary Fukunaga is directing. What could go wrong?
February 9, 2016
Plus, Brie Larson has no idea who won the Super Bowl, and we see Emma Stone like we've never seen…
October 28, 2015
We missed you, Emma.
October 8, 2015
The actress with the best voice also has the best dance moves.
September 28, 2015
Move over, Spider-Man. There's a new Spidey in town.