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The best thing about James Murphy is that his best work probably isn't behind him. It's whatever he does tomorrow.
Why be a humble pitchwoman when you can run a $1 billion company instead?
The funniest duo on television started with a web series, and now they're here.
Loathed on the left, reviled on the right, hounded into outer space. Despite all his haters, Stern always wins.
The CEO of Local Motors talks about second-guessing Henry Ford and what he learned in the Marines.
The craziness of Russian daredevils goes to the next level with this fiery 60-foot plunge into a snowbank.
The so-called "King of Instagram" found himself on the wrong side of the law.
He does what he loves – on a tight deadline.
The founder of Oliberte is an unabashed fan of outsourcing. So are his employees.
Paragliding is so passe.