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Pam and Tommy Promo Split
May 10, 2021
“It’s great to be blonde. With low expectations it’s very easy to surprise people."
May 19, 2016
The 'Resident Evil' star plays a drug lord in 'Future World.'
February 19, 2016
In honor of '11.22.1963,' let's go back in time to some of our favorite time-traveling stories of the past.
February 5, 2016
Because why give a talented storyteller an opportunity of her own when you can just co-opt it for profit?
January 9, 2016
J. J. Abrams and Hulu have struck gold.
December 16, 2015
Listen to their latest song "You Are Mine."
October 30, 2015
The Room is so bad it's good, and Rogen and Franco are aiming to show us what went so wrong...and…