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July 14, 2016
It's no wonder this crazy custom is called "Insanity."
June 14, 2016
This portable private plane runs on batteries and has a top speed of 250 mph.
The "Kyoto Airship" wraparound window concept
May 19, 2016
The view from the top just got way more awesome.
Boom aims to bring supersonic international business travel to the masses
March 29, 2016
Prepare yourself for mach 2.2.
February 19, 2016
Why 'Run To the Hills' when you can fly over them?
F-35 public domain
February 4, 2016
The $1.5 trillion F-35 program's bugs include an ejection seat that could kill pilots.
September 19, 2015
Army officials say tactical lasers are on their way.
January 15, 2015
Hitch a ride on one of these mile-high party buses.