Kevin Smith

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July 18, 2019
See if you can spot all of the familiar faces in this hilariously NSFW clip...
January 3, 2019
"It’s a movie that makes fun of sequels and remakes and reboots while being all three at the same time,"…
Kevin Smith Promo
August 27, 2018
"This is the lightest I've been since high school!"
June 14, 2018
"And while I may look a little better, I FEEL f*cking fantastic!"
jay and silent bob
May 29, 2018
"It’s a movie that makes fun of sequels and remakes and reboots while being all three at the same time.”
February 26, 2018
"If I hadn't canceled show 2 to go to the hospital, I would've died tonight."
August 24, 2016
Kevin Smith's parody of Hollywood and internet culture is a teenager.