power rangers

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Power Rangers promo
February 18, 2017
'Are we more like Iron Man, or Spider Man?'
January 19, 2017
Prepare to indulge in some serious '90s nostalgia...
November 23, 2016
You've gotta watch the hilarious SFW trailer for "Mighty Muffin Pounder Rangers."
October 8, 2016
Elizabeth Banks will be a perfect Rita Repulsa.
April 19, 2016
Plus, Taylor Swift jams out to Jimmy Eat World and Stephen Colbert shows Hillary Clinton how to properly eat cheesecake.
March 3, 2016
It's almost morphin' time. Click through to get a glimpse.
October 7, 2015
Too bad we have no idea who she is. 
February 24, 2015
Wait, did the Pink Ranger just get decapitated?