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Yes, Jose Mujica was whining, but he was also making the case for a more physical game.
No one saw them coming. Now, everyone is watching.
Uruguay's talented striker needs to learn how to keep his mouth shut.
Gamblers won thousands after the Uruguayan forward chomped the Italian defense. They'd thought it through.
The upside of the tragic tie? The Yanks have their country's undivided attention.
The Yanks don't have to beat the Germans to advance, but they'll likely have to defeat Europe's smallest superpower.
The World Cup competition is on the field. The trick competition is online.
Álvaro Pereira came to and kept playing. That's a bad call from FIFA.
Aron Jóhannsson is going to be a hero or a goat. Either way, he'll be in the game.
Jurgen Klinsmann promised prettier play and delivered a win. We'll take it.