Stonehenge To Livestream Summer Solstice For First Time Ever
The mystical site will be the center of a June 21 virtual event.

The coronavirus pandemic is now even affecting the druids, who will find their June 21st efforts to welcome the new season at the United Kingdom‘s Stonehenge stymied by social distancing.
Or, at the very least, they won’t be able to do any virgin sacrifices, as for the first time in history, the 2020 summer solstice at the historic site will be broadcast live over the internet, and most people online aren’t into that sort of thing.
The English Heritage organization that supervises the site made the decision, and Travel & Leisure reports that is “a big deal,” because “in 2015, about 23,000 people attended the summer solstice event.”
In a statement, Stonehenge director Nichola Tasker said that they hope that their livestream will offer “an alternative opportunity for people near and far to connect with this spiritual place at such a special time of year and we look forward to welcoming everyone back next year.”
In ancient times, hundreds of years before the dawn of history lived an ancient race of people—the Druids. No one knows who they were, or what they were doing, but we know they didn’t have streaming media. So score one for modern living.
Pagans and modern Druids will likely be disappointed at this year’s celebration, but at least it’s a lot safer at the moment to just get your heathen on in self-isolation. To enjoy Stonehenge’s ambiance you can look for the Livestream June 21 on English Heritage’s Facebook page.