1. She’s an expert at trash-talking.
“I take it seriously and come prepared. Once someone gets in a debate with me, I’m going to read every single article that argues their point of view and think of a counter argument. So whenever it’s time to verbally throw down, I’m much quicker and easier to understand than the other girl is. If she wants to argue, she knows she’s going to get owned, so girls don’t even try anymore. It’s not like I do it to everybody, but when I do talk shit, I do it so low, people will remember it for a long time.”
2. Her autograph is, like, everywhere.
“Some guy had me sign his cat last time I was in New York. And I’ve signed people’s arms and ankles and stuff, and they’ve tattooed it to themselves.”
3. She’s kind of a math nerd.
“I’m really good at making fractals. They’re infinite repeating mathematical images—it’s like a form of art, but you can tweak the looks and the colors by messing with the formulas. My step-dad is a rocket scientist and in his free time he would make these fractal programs. Math was one of those things that I was good at, but hated because of all the paperwork and repetition—it just didn’t mentally engage me. So fractal art was a way that I could use my math skills and it really interested me in an artistic sense. You can actually go to fractaldomain.com and look at all the fractal galleries I’ve made since I was like 10.”
4. Ass-kicking runs in her family.
“My mom was the first American to ever win the World Championship in Judo. I was in the finals of the World Championship, and it meant so much to me to be able to accomplish that like she did. But unfortunately, I lost, and it’s something that I’m still not over yet. That’s why I train so hard now, because I know the repercussions if I don’t take every single means of preparation possible.”
5. If she wasn’t beating people up, she’d be saving them.
“I think I would probably be a rescue swimmer for the coast guard. Like jumping out of helicopters and saving people. I don’t think I was meant for a desk.”
Photos by Stephan Wurth