Elizabeth Olsen Looked Incredible at the UK Premiere of ‘Captain America: Civil War’

Forget Cap and Iron Man — we're #TeamScarletWitch.

We’ve been under the spell of Elizabeth Olsen’s on-screen take of Scarlet Witch since her debut in Avengers: Age of Ultron

Easily considered the highlight of the Marvel film, Olsen’s floundering Sokovian accent was brushed to the side in favor of her new-found telekinetic abilities and strong presence alongside the original team of superheroes. While we’ve already been looking to forward to seeing what the talented actress will bring to the table come May 6th’s release of Civil War, right now, it’s her alluring level of sideboob at the UK red carpet premiere that has us locked on the 27-year old for all the wrong (but, still divine) reasons. 

Have a gander below at a few drool-worthy images of Olsen’s own brand of magic, and you’ll understand why co-star Chris Evans had a difficult time looking elsewhere.

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