Ariel Winter Just Posted Some Sexy Cowgirl Pics That Have Got Us Shouting ‘Giddy Up!’


Modern Family star Ariel Winter just took some well-deserved respite from shutting down body shamers on social media—by visiting a dude ranch with her loved ones.

It was a chance for an sexy stampede of fiery new Instagram shots—of Ariel saddling up in her hottest cowgirl accoutrement.

There’s even a tasty shot of her posing with her “old pal Jack” (Jack Daniels, that is). 

There’s also a play-by-play of Ariel riding horseback. Giddy up!

We hope Ariel returns from life on the prairie to again tend to her red-hot Instagram account. 

See some of Ariel’s hottest summer shots, below.

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