This Hot Atlanta Hawks Fan’s Courtside Cleavage is Going Viral, Because of Course It Is
The sexy NBA fan is a former Hawaiian Tropic model…

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At last Saturday’s Atlanta Hawks/Philadelphia 76ers game at the Hawks’ home arena, the camera picked up some riveting courtside action that has since gone viral.
In a video uploaded to Vidme, an attractive woman wearing an epically low-cut top was captured on camera just minding her own business, and the internet is absolutely loving it.
The woman, whom Busted Coverage has identified as Nicole Jockisch Carlos, is a former Hawaiian Tropic model, and the guy sitting next to her is her lucky husband, Chris Carlos.
Still, Twitter went into overdrive about the eye-popping NBA spectacle:
Massive Cleavage on the Sideline at Atlanta Hawks Game
— 1027 WEBN Cincinnati (@webn) January 24, 2017
This Lady Showing Massive Cleavage At The Atlanta Hawks Game Made Everyone Forget About Basketball
— Brotips (@brotips) January 22, 2017
And if you’re wondering about her Instagram, it’s set to private (because of course we checked).
Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t admire her amazing courtside cleavage, right? Right.
h/t: FHM