This Hot Atlanta Hawks Fan’s Courtside Cleavage is Going Viral, Because of Course It Is

Atlanta Hawks Fan
Vidme/Busted Joe

Vidme/Busted Joe

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At last Saturday’s Atlanta Hawks/Philadelphia 76ers game at the Hawks’ home arena, the camera picked up some riveting courtside action that has since gone viral.

In a video uploaded to Vidme, an attractive woman wearing an epically low-cut top was captured on camera just minding her own business, and the internet is absolutely loving it. 

The woman, whom Busted Coverage has identified as Nicole Jockisch Carlos, is a former Hawaiian Tropic model, and the guy sitting next to her is her lucky husband, Chris Carlos.

Still, Twitter went into overdrive about the eye-popping NBA spectacle:

And if you’re wondering about her Instagram, it’s set to private (because of course we checked). 

Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t admire her amazing courtside cleavage, right? Right.

h/t: FHM

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