Watch This Nude Model Wear 100 Years Of Swimsuits in Body Paint



We all love beautiful women in bikinis. They just make the world a better place, don’t they? I mean, just look at Irina Shayk in a bikini, and tell me you don’t feel like even for a moment, all is right in the world. 

That said, bathing suits didn’t always look like they did these days – in fact, the bikini as we know it wasn’t even a thing until 1946, and it didn’t even start gaining momentum until years later, when French bombshell Bridget Bardot wore a bikini to the beach during the 1953 Cannes Film Festival. created a video called 100 Years of Swimwear in Body Paint, so that we can feast our eyes on a naked woman recreating every style of women’s swimwear from 1916 to present day, all in body paint. Talk about barely-there bikinis!

The swimsuits start out pretty tame, considering times were a little more conservative 100 years ago, but still. Body paint looks hot no matter what you paint with it.

We don’t blame you if you watch this video a couple more times.  

H/T: Elle

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