Watch Britney Spears Have a Revealing Wardrobe Malfunction on Stage in Vegas

Britney Vegas
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During her set at Planet Hollywood Las Vegas on Wednesday night, Britney Spears proved that even 35-year-old pop icons still struggle with keeping everything covered up when wearing skimpy attire. 

For at least the 16-second duration of the clip, Spears’ glittery leotard was slightly askew, which resulted in one of her nipples getting some unplanned fresh air as she sauntered across the stage. Check it out above. 

Of course, it’s not just musicians who are subject to unfortunate wardrobe malfunctions. Supermodel Gigi Hadid had her own slip-up on the catwalk last year (which she handled like a pro), and scantily clad news anchors from across the globe lose their tops with astounding frequency. 

Like all accidents, these things just happen from time to time.

h/t: COED

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