Lifetime recently aired a cheesy, unauthorized biopic about Britney Spears‘ life, Britney Ever After. The pop queen’s reps had made it clear to media that she had nothing to do with the movie on the mom-centric basic cable channel, and Britney was probably pretty happy when it was soundly roasted for being predictably terrible on social media.
Still, Britney uploaded a shot to her Instagram on Monday that made it clear she was her own woman and it was entirely up to her as to how she wanted to present herself to the world. The topless pic quickly set off a firestorm of likes from fans and blog posts from other publications delving into its meaning.
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Britney has been telling her own story on Instagram for a while, and as you check out her pics there’s an unmistakable subtext of redemption.
The shaven-headed, beating-SUVs-with-an-umbrella Britney is in the past, and no knock-off quickie flick will do her justice.
Check out these Instas to get a look at someone who is in the middle of her own comeback tale. It’s a story beyond the capabilities of any basic cable drama mill.
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