Behold Stunning NSFW Photos from This Top Australian Photographer
Nude attitude.

Hailing from down under, photographer Cameron Mackie is one of the hottest in the game, with his beachy aesthetic, drop-dead gorgeous models, and a knack for capturing some of the most sultry moments possible.
But instead of shooting models indoors in studios, Mackie prefers the sunlit glow of warm, pristine beaches, so every photograph captures the natural and organic beauty of the models.
Oh, and he also shoots nude.
In the gallery above, check out some of Mackie’s greatest and sultriest work yet, but some are NSFW, so take caution if you’re at work. Regardless, though, feel free to let your jaw drop.
Speaking with Maxim, Mackie explained that his photographs reflect the utopia we all dream of living in: Sunny beaches and stunning women. It’s “some kind of organically faked reality most of us would like to be living — minus the sunburns.”
When it comes to finding inspiration, the best ideas always come to him at “amazing natural locations for sure. I was raised by the beach so for me, the beauty of a natural location simply can’t be beat. The farther away from the city rush, the better.”
And the secret to taking an amazing picture? “Shooting only what inspires YOU and grabs your gaze between all the madness of everyday life.”